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1. Please complete the correct form for the ensemble you will be playing in. You may use the online Google form (preferred) or print, fill out and bring the printable form to registration days on 8/15, 8/16, or make-up day on 8/21. Uniform information and costs are listed on the forms.


Band 2024-25–Online Registration Form


Orchestra 2024-25–Online Registration Form


Printable/Digital Forms with hyperlinks below:


Band 2024-25– Physical Registration Form

Orchestra 2024-25–Physical Registration Form

2024-25  Permission Slip


Spanish - Band 2024-25– Physical Registration Form

Spanish - Orchestra 2024-25–Physical Registration Form

2024-25 Permission Slip - Spanish



2. Make payment on registration days 8/13, 8/14, or make-up day 8/19, (cash/check/credit card/Venmo) or online (credit card) at


Any questions regarding registration can be emailed to:

Those interested in Color Guard please contact coach Valerie Ramirez via email at and see the Colorguard tab.

Preguntas frecuentes

1. Can I take instrumental music and Spanish?

YES! Please remember that Spanish is a two-year course and it takes BOTH years to complete Spanish 1 as opposed to high school where it's done in one year. Spanish 1 will also not appear on your high school transcripts.


2. Can I do Orchestra and Colorguard?



3. How and when do I audition for the jazz bands? 

Jazz auditions are twice a year: The first or second week of school and the week before winter break. For the audition you will need to prepare a scale, a song/piece/tune/etude that will show how well you can play, and sight-reading. Remember, this is your time to show off!


4. I do not feel like I am a very good player, can I still be in band or orchestra?

Yes! The difference between elementary school and middle school is HUGE. At Tuffree, we get to play every day as opposed to twice a week. 


5. Do I need to own an instrument to join the band or orchestra?

No! We have rental instruments that you can use during your two years in the program! 


6. Do I have to be in band or orchestra to be in jazz band?

Yes, this is a district policy.


7. Can I be in band and colorguard?

Yes! We have had many students do this in the past. During the fall marching season, you will be in the band and during the spring semester, you will be able to do band and Winterguard. 


8. Does band have zero periods?

Yes! We have three band classes and a percussion class that rehearses during the regular school day. Because we rehearse separately and perform together, zero period rehearsals allow the entire group to practice as a whole. Due to its importance in the process, zero periods are mandatory and attendance will be taken. 


9. Why do we ask for a Participation Donation?

It takes many resources to run our quality music programs and a little effort goes a long way to earn money for it. As a non-profit organization, the Friends of Tuffree Music Booster Club depends on the generosity of donors to help cover our operating costs. Items such as sheet music, instruments, music stands, additional coaching, transportation fees, repairs, and other teaching tools used on a daily basis are not funded by our State. We thank you in advance for any support you can provide. We are a non-profit 501c(3) organization. Your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes.



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