Welcome to
the second happiest place on earth!
My name is David Saliby, and it is my distinct honor and privilege to be the band director at Tuffree Middle School. I am a proud product of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, where I, myself, was a member of the highly respected band program at Tuffree. While a part of the program, I built up my confidence, learned teamwork, auditory skills, developed a strong work ethic, and was motivated to do my very best in all academic and personal endeavors, through music. These are only a few of the many learning goals that I will continue to teach as the director of the program.
The Instrumental Music Program has always been a large part of the social fabric at Tuffree Middle School. Music has the unique power to transform us, lift our spirits, and build meaningful connections with whom we share our lives.
The complex thinking involved in playing and reading music develops the brain like no other subject. Research shows that music students score higher on tests. The latest College Board studies (the SAT) show that music students across the country, on average, score 1604 on the tests whereas, the average non-music student scores 1455. Also, according to college admission offices, music plays a large part in college acceptance.
With that being said, I cannot wait to see each and every one of you marching down Kraemer Blvd. in the Placentia Parade and performing at Knotts Berry Farm. I am excited about all of the fun we will have in our classes starting in September.
I truly believe that the band, orchestra, and jazz band classrooms are the very best place to be at Tuffree Middle School!
David Saliby
Tuffree Middle School
mR. David Saliby
Instrumental Music Director (Band, Orchestra. and Jazz Bands)
mr. Bryan cooper
Jazz 2 Director
Mr. Josh jerome
Jazz 3 Director
Coach Valerie Ramirez
Colorguard Coach